Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Pirate Game

A few months ago, my friend was telling me about this mobile game he wanted to make. He, and some of our other friends, are teachers, and this is a game they play with their students. The students apparently love it. And if there were an app version, they'd be willing to pay 59p for it. Or so they say.

Now, as he was explaining the game to me, I thought maybe he was building towards asking for my help. I felt almost betrayed that he didn't. Several years ago, I'd built a website for this friend that he'd had nothing but praise and gratitude for.

A month or so later, I got a text message - "How are you at programming?" For whatever reason, the guy they had originally 'hired' wasn't doing it anymore.

"I'm capable", I replied. I'd done a course in Java at university. Admittedly, that was 'Java for Mathematicians'. And it was also almost 8 years ago. But how hard could it be to pick up again? Just like coding a bicycle. Or something like that...

The Game

As the title of the blog suggests, its called 'The Pirate Game'. In the classroom it's played on paper.

Basically, you have a 7x7 grid filled with items - mostly coins, but also some items that let you do other things. There are attacks that let you, for example, rob or kill other players. There's a shield and a mirror that let you defend against attacks. There's a bank item that let's you save whatever points you have from being stolen, etc. There's a bomb that blows you up (sets your points to zero). And so on.

This is the prototyping design. The final product will look less utilitarian.

At the start of the game, the players arrange the items in their grids to their liking. The teacher (game) then calls out random squares, and the players get whatever is in that square on their own grid. In the classroom, if a player gets an attack item, they have to raise their hand and tell the teacher who they want to use it on. The winner is whoever has the most points when all the squares have been called.

Making Games 1: The Right Tools

In a previous blog, I asserted that making mobile games was difficult. In fact, it turns out to not be so bad with the right framework. In this case I used the popular LibGdx. What's particularly nice about it is that there are a lot of how-to guides, and there's plenty of help for when things go wrong.

As they say, programming is 1% inspiration, 99% Googling.

For anyone interested in making their own Android game, I found these guides particularly helpful,

LibGdx Zombie Bird Tutorial
LibGdx Game Development Essentials
Set up Google Services with LibGdx


I got a first working version of the game done in the space of about a month - this was just the basic game mechanics, a bare-bones interface, and a single computer opponent that I could play against to check that the mechanics were doing what they were supposed to.

In those first few tests of the game, I found that the computer player kept beating me - at one point, 7 to 1. This seemed strange - neither I nor the computer could choose who we attacked, or which defences we used. So really, there wasn't anything either of us could do to influence the outcome of the game. The winner should have been totally random.

So loosing 7 times out of 8 seemed significant to me. As far as I could tell, the mechanics were working correctly. The only theory I could come up with was that maybe there was some advantage in the order in which we took our turns.

To try and figure out what was going on, I created a simulation. Basically, I re-wrote a very stripped down version of the player and game mechanics in Python. I then had two computer players play against each other in 10,000 matches. The results from this were - Player 1: 5005, Player 2: 4995.
In other words, the winner was just random chance. And turn order didn't matter.

If nothing else, this was a lesson in not drawing conclusions from such a small data set - it's not really statistically significant if there are only 8 data points (that's a standard error of ~3). After playing more games, the wins did end up averaging out.

Making Games 2: Coordinating Players

Development progressed. I got the full game mechanics working, and added more computer players (Clu and Ultron). I was now able to choose who I wanted to attack and what defences I wanted to use.

But the ultimate goal for the game is to let users play against their (human) friends. This meant I had to do a massive re-write to generalise the interaction mechanics.

Okay, lets look at an example of an interaction. Say I want to swap points with another player. First, my device needs to pop-up a player select dialog. Once I pick a target, the game needs to inform that player that I'm trying to swap points with them. If that player has a shield, their device needs to pop-up a dialog asking if they want to use it. The game then needs to inform me of my target's response - and if the target doesn't defend them self, we need to tell each other what our respective points are so that we can complete the swap.

That's a lot of back and forth to handle. Here are the rough diagrams I drew when I was trying to get the mechanics straight in my head.

I doubt this helps clarifies things for anyone else.

So the way the interaction works in the code is, the attacker sends their target a data object telling them who the attacker is, what attack they're trying to use, and what points they have (though the points aren't visible to the target). Once the target has chosen their defence, they complete their side of the attack processing - so in the swap example, if the target doesn't defend, they set their points to those of the attacker.

The target then sends the attacker's original data, along with the defence they chose (if any) and their (pre-attack) points to all the other players. If the recipient is the original attacker, they complete their side of the attack. Then, all players are shown a notification telling them what happened.
I figured I should give the computer players more piratical names.

All this coordination is done by a turn handler class. And what's nice is the computer players can also interact with each other, and with the local human player, via the turn handler.

All I need to do now is set up the stuff that actually sends the data between network players.

Game Theory

Through testing (looking for bugs and the like), I've played this game A LOT. And I've gotten a pretty good feel for how it works. It's actually quite fascinating when you really get into it. (Or maybe that's just Stockholm Syndrome talking).

Information is important to the game. Without it, players would be forced to make their moves at random. And when that happens, winning becomes mostly random chance. This is why players are shown notifications when other players interact - it allows them to strategise.

The most basic strategies are things like - rob people who have lots of points, don't try to rob people who have just been killed (they don't have any points to take), defend yourself when you have a lot of points (if you can). Really, this is just being sensible.

Then there are more subtle strategies. For example, sometimes it's better to lose a lot of points to the bomb or to being killed (removing those points from the game) rather than letting another player take them. Because, you don't need a lot of points to win, you just need more than everyone else.

Given the inherent randomness of the game, a lot of how you play will come down to how risk-averse you are. For example, a particularly risky strategy might be to let an opponent rob you (saving your defences), in the hopes that you can steal back your points, and more, later on.

When you play against humans (rather than AI), a whole bunch of social factors can come into play too. From what I hear, in the classroom, students tend to disproportionately target any members of staff that are playing. Though I can't imagine why.

One other interesting feature of the game is that it sometimes forces players to make disadvantageous moves. There's the bomb item that will take away your points when it inevitably comes up. And if you're in first place, the swap item forces you to give your points, and the lead, to another player.

So yeah, the game's not as simple as it might seem on the face of it.

Artificial Intelligence

In the first fully featured version of the game, the computer players made their decisions completely randomly. And that was fine - the game is perfectly playable with random opponents, it's not too easy, and the randoms can and will beat you on occasion. Sometimes by an embarrassing margin.

But random players also do things that don't make sense. So I wanted to create some computer players that used basic strategies to play more intelligently.

For interactions, these intelligent computer players (AI) use literal hit lists and avoid lists. As mentioned above, when two players interact, that information is sent to all other players. For humans, this information is displayed as a notification. For the AI, the information is processed to build/modify the hit and avoid lists.

For example, if Player 1 steals a lot of points from Player 2, then Player 1 is added to the hit list and Player 2 is added to the avoid list. If another player then kills Player 1, Player 1 is removed from the hit list and added to the avoid list. And so on.

If the AI then gets an attack square, they'll first check their hit list for a target. If the hit list is empty, they'll chose a random opponent who isn't on the avoid list. And so on.

There are also various basic heuristics for choosing which defences to use (and when), and for choosing a square when they get 'Choose Next'.

As they are, the AI are quite formidable, and at times frustratingly so. In general, I think it's better to have a mix of random and intelligent computer players. The AI offer a challenge, while the chaotic influence of the random players keeps things interesting.

Measuring Difficulty

In the game's current form, you can play against 2-7 computer players, and these players can be either random or 'intelligent' (as above).  That means 33 unique opponent set-ups. Which raises the question - how can we rate the difficulty of any given set-up. 

Obviously it's harder to win when there are more opponents. Specifically, the probability of a random player winning in a game of N random players is 1/N. Think of it like this - if all the players behave in the same way, they are indistinguishable. And if they're indistinguishable, they must all have the same probability of winning (turn order doesn't matter).

The same logic applies to intelligent computer players (AI) - since they all follow the same set of rules, they must also be indistinguishable from each other. Therefore, the odds of an AI winning in a game of N AI players must also be 1/N .

But what happens when there's a mix? How much harder are AI to beat than randoms?

To answer that, we can run some more simulations. This time, instead of re-writing code in Python, I created a modified version of the turn handler (see above) within the game project itself. Essentially I just removed all code that related to human players, and added a few bits to track statistics.

I set up the 33 different player configurations, ran 10,000 matches for each, and worked out the probability of winning for an AI player - for simplicity, we're assuming that a human player (playing strategically) is roughly equivalent to an AI.

From those simulations I made this lovely surface plot (using matplotlib).

Configurations with more than 7 opponents have been set to zero.

And what we find is AI are roughly twice as hard to beat as randoms - notice the surface is higher on the right hand side (when there are fewer AI).

In other words, your odds of winning in a match against two AI is roughly equal to your odds of winning in a match against four randoms. For simplicity, we're going to assume that the relationship is exactly two to one.

We can now calculate an approximation of the odds of winning as

\[ p(R, I) = \frac{2}{R + 2(I+1)} \]

And if we compare these probabilities to those from the simulations, we find that they are within standard error (order 0.01 for 10,000 trials).

To get a difficulty rating, we can just turn the probability on it's head, and normalise by the probability for the easiest set-up (2 random opponents). That is,

\[ D = \frac{p_0}{p} = \frac{R + 2(I+1)}{4} \]

This gives us a difficulty rating between 1 and 4, which lets us easily divide the difficulty into three levels - easy, medium, and hard. Though, if your odds of winning in the easiest possible game is only 50:50, can it really be considered 'easy'?

Another nice property of this difficulty rating system is that the difficulty ratios match the probability ratios - that is, your odds of winning a 2 are half your odds of winning a 1, and so on. Specifically, your odds of winning are roughly \( \frac{1}{2D} \)

Incidentally, if we assume our human player instead makes their moves completely at random, then their odds of winning are lower overall - \( p = \frac{1}{R+1+2I} \) - but the difficulty stratification works out the same.


Ordinarily, I'd include my code for this sort of thing. But in this case, doing so might undermine my (and my friends') income. And they very kindly told me that I'd get the majority of the profits. Whatever those may ultimately be.

So far we've made a whopping 7p (!) just from having adMob set up in the test builds.

But before we can make any (real) money, we have to actually finish the game. The single player version is mostly done, and should be released in the near future. The last big thing to do is the UI (which is someone else's problem job).

Then the hard part is going to be setting up multi-player with Google Play Services. In particular, because there aren't any good guides (that I can find) for setting up Google multi-player with LibGdx.

When it is done, I'll post links and such here for anyone that might be interested.

[edit] - If you want to try the current beta, you can get it here.

Also, given that making an Android game has turned out to be much easier than I expected, I may in fact make the previously discussed relativity game myself (once the Pirate Game is finished). In that case, I might also provide my code.


[I'd love to make an AI that uses machine learning to counter human players' personal strategies.]

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Watch Face Designs for Android Wear (and How to Make Them)

In a previous pair of blogs, I designed some clock widgets for Android, using Zooper. At the end, I said that if I ever got a smart watch I'd remake them for Android Wear.

Well, here I am following up on that promise. I've also thrown in a few new designs for good measure.

Now, these are mostly concept watch faces - which is to say, they're more 'look at this cool thing you can do', than the sort of watch faces that you'd actually want to use.

As with the previous blogs, I've provided download links for my designs (which you should be able to customise), along with general instructions for how they're constructed, as well as some code snippets.

I know that a lot of the people who read this post will have come here from trying to google how to do something. As someone who does the same, I want this to be as helpful as possible.

Note, these faces were designed in particular for my watch - Moto 360. So if you have a different device (in particular, a square faced device) you might want/need to tweak some stuff.

Watchmaking Apps

There are two popular apps for making Android Wear watch faces - Facer and WatchMaker. I've tried (and paid for) both.

Facer is very bare-bones -  the only objects available are text, shapes and images, and the only customisation options are object size, position, rotation, colour, and opacity. I think it's aimed more at people who want to import images to construct their faces.

WatchMaker has many more build-in objects, including dials, hands, weather, battery, countdowns, series, etc. There are also more customisation option to play with (and more still if you pay for Premium).

Facer uses the same syntax and tags as Zooper, so if you're familiar with that you might prefer Facer. But that also means it has the same shortcoming, in particular with respect to if-statements.

Watchmaker, on the other hand, uses the programming language 'Lua' for its coding. I'm not familiar with Lua as a whole, but I found it easy to pick up here, and easier to work with than the Zooper-style syntax.

Of the two apps, I personally prefer WatchMaker - I like all the extra built-in objects and customisations, and I find the Lua syntax, and the way WM handles layout (see below) easier to work with.

This means, then, that most (but not all) of the download links and code snippets in this blog are going to be for WatchMaker. You should be able to recreate a lot of the designs in Facer though.

Design Layout

Facer and WatchMaker use different coordinate origins - Facer positions objects relative to the top-left corner of the screen, where WatchMaker positions objects relative to the centre of the screen.
Notice that the y-axis is upside down in both apps.

Now, for watch design, we'll often need to convert the positions of objects from polar coordinates - distance from the centre of the screen (r), and rotation about the centre (\(\theta\)) - to Cartesian coordinates (x, y).

Traditionally, the conversion is

\[ x = r \cos(\theta) \\
y = r \sin(\theta) \]
But this positions objects relative to the positive x-axis, or 3 o'clock (blue). Really, we want to position objects relative to the negative y-axis, or 12 o'clock (yellow).

To correct this, we have to subtract 90 degrees from the angle, \(\theta\). Or, alternatively, we can use some trigonometric identities to rewrite the conversion as

\[ x = r \cos(\theta-90) \equiv \ r \sin(\theta) \\
y = r \sin(\theta-90) \equiv \ -r\cos(\theta) \]
In Facer, we also have to add an offset of about \(x_0 ,\ y_0 = 160px\) to x and y, so that objects are positioned relative to the centre of the screen (rather than the top left corner).

Note that in both apps, the functions 'sin' and 'cos' take variables in radians, whereas the angles given by tags are in degrees. This means we have to include 'rad()' (Facer) or 'math.rad()' (WatchMaker) whenever we use trig functions.

Finally, it's worth noting that (for the Moto 360, at least) Facer gives us a design area of about 320px, matching the watch's screen dimensions. WatchMaker, on the other hand, gives us around 520px. This means that faces designed in WatchMaker will be scaled down on the watch itself, and in some cases, this leads to pixelation.

Anyway, with all that in mind, lets look at some designs.

> A Bunch of Binary

Proportional Binary [WM]

I have to start, of course, with my pet design - already available in javascript, and for Zooper.

Each ring segment is a binary bit, sized in proportion to the value it represents - the 4 minutes bit is twice as big as the two minutes bit, etc. The outer ring is hours (24h), the inner is minutes.

In Zooper, this design was constructed using curved rectangles, which neither of the face making apps support. However, in WatchMaker Premium, we can get more or less the same effect by creating a circle with a 'Segment Between' shader, and hiding the centre of the segment with a circle that's the same colour as the face background.

Once we have that, the rest of the face construction is essentially the same as the one described in the previous blog. It's set up so that the segment opacity is 100% if the bit (segment) is 'on', and 15% if 'off'.

A quick reminder, the n-th bit is off if \( x \bmod 2^{n+1} \lt 2^n \), and on otherwise. So for the twos bit in the minutes ring we have

% opacity in range: {dm}%4 < 2 and 15 or 100

And so on for all the other segments.

Unfortunately, this is one of the designs that suffers significant pixelation on the actual watch screen. A slight improvement was to make the rings narrower such as below. Here I've also added a seconds ring.

In this case we could put some other information in the middle of the screen and use the binary as decoration.

Binary Rings [Facer]

We can actually do an approximation of the previous design in Facer. This is done with triangles, that are strategically covered with circles/rings. However, because of how this construction works, the layout is a little restricted in how broad and close together the rings can be.

In this case, it's easier to have all the bits/segments be the same size. We could possibly have proportionally sized bits like above, but it'd be a lot of fiddling. On the other hand, Facer doesn't seem to have the pixelation issue, so it could be worth the effort.

Again, the opacity of the bits is changed as described above and in the previous blog. For example

Opacity: $(#Dm#%4)<2?15:100$

Aside - It's not obvious, but the brackets in the above are important. In general, if you find your code isn't behaving in Facer, try copy-pasting it into a text object to see what it's being interpreted as. Usually you can solve problems by adding/removing brackets, or by looking for any spaces that might have been auto-inserted after punctuation marks.

Binary Numbers [Facer]

This is the first face I made for Android Wear. The bits are all individual text objects, with their values set according to that method I keep banging on about. For example, the twos minute bit is a text object with value

Text: $(#Dm#%4)<2?0:1$

The face shown above is 24hour format, where the leftmost hours digit is a dummy bit. An alternative might be to do 12hour format, with an am/pm bit.

Aside - I had this idea for a face where the background is an image of a circuit board with two rows of those little square LEDs, which could be 'illuminated' to represent the time in binary. But I'm not much of an artist, so I doubt I could create a decent background image.

Trinary [WM]

In trinary, or base 3, each bit (trit?) can have one of three values - 0, 1, 2. In Zooper, I handled this by using curved progress bars, but that doesn't really work in WatchMaker. In this case, I had to use pairs of segments for each bit.

As with Zooper, I had the first of each bit pair change colour when the second was 'on', to make reading easier. Sometimes, though, WatchMaker doesn't change the segment colours like it should (possible bug?). If you prefer, you can download a version without colour changing here.

I explained how to do trinary in the previous blog. A quick reminder - the n-th digit of a number in base b is given by \(\lfloor \frac{x}{b^n} \bmod b\rfloor\).

As an example, for the pair of segments in the 3s minute bit we have

Segment 1: 
% opacity in range: math.floor({dm}/3)%3 >= 1 and 100 or 15
Color: math.floor({dm}/3)%3 == 2 and '2cb7ff' or '1b74c0'

Segment 2: 
% opacity in range: math.floor({dm}/3)%3 == 2 and 100 or 15
Color: 1b74c0 

Notice that when we use an if-statement with the colour, we have to wrap the colour value in apostrophes (inverted commas). We don't have to do this for a lone colour value.

Similar to the binary design at the top, we have the pixelation problem on the actual watch, and again we can sort of help this by making the rings narrower.

Clocks in other bases (as seen in the previous blog) can be constructed in a similar way.

> Planets and Parametrisations

Orbital [WM]

I'm a fan of 'cryptic' clock designs - clocks that let you tell the time, but don't make it obvious. In this design, the position on the planet relative to the sun is the hours hand, and the position of the moon relative to the planet is the minutes hand.
We set the planet's position as described in the Layout section

\[ x = r_h \sin(\theta_h) \\
y = -r_h\cos(\theta_h) \]
For the moon, we work out it's position relative to the planet, then add that to the planet's position relative to the sun

\[ x = r_h \sin(\theta_h) + r_m \sin(\theta_m) \\
y = -r_h \cos(\theta_h) - r_m \cos(\theta_m) \]
The code for this is

x: 150*math.sin(math.rad({drh}))
y: -150*math.cos(math.rad({drh}))

x: 150*math.sin(math.rad({drh})) + 50*math.sin(math.rad({drm}))
y: -150*math.cos(math.rad({drh})) - 50*math.cos(math.rad({drm}))

Orbital Numbers [WM]

This is basically the same principle as the above, except we've replaced the sun with the hours, the planet with the minutes, and the moon with the seconds. The code is similar to above, except we replace {drh} with {drm} and replace {drm} with {drs}. We also need to make the orbital radii slightly bigger to avoid overlapping - 165 for the planet/minutes, and 55 for the moon/seconds.

Elliptical Orbit [WM]

Here the planet does an elliptical orbit once per minute. The orbit also precesses (rotates) over the course of an hour, so that the planet's aphelion (furthest point from the sun) points to the current minutes past the hour.

An elliptical orbit, with aphelion pointing to 12 o'clock is given by

\[ x = -r_x\sin(\theta) \\
y = y_0 + r_y\cos(\theta) \]
To make the orbit precess, we can use the 2D rotation matrix

\cos\phi & -\sin\phi \\
\sin\phi & \cos\phi
which gives use the rotated coordinates

\[ x' = x\cos\phi - y\sin\phi\\
y' = x\sin\phi + y\cos\phi \]
where \(\phi\) is the angle of rotation - in this case the minutes past the hour. So for the code, the precessing orbit is given by

x: -75*math.sin(math.rad({drs}))*math.cos(math.rad({drm})) - (150*math.cos(math.rad({drs}))-80)*math.sin(math.rad({drm}))
y: -75*math.sin(math.rad({drs}))*math.sin(math.rad({drm})) + (150*math.cos(math.rad({drs}))-80)*math.cos(math.rad({drm}))

The downside to this design is that it's pretty hard to tell where the aphelion is (i.e. the minutes past the hour) without watching the orbit for several seconds. Also, in it's current state, there's no way of telling the hour. Admittedly, this isn't great, design-wise. Really I just wanted to show off the rotation matrix.

As a variation, we could have, for example, three elliptical orbits (one for each hand), to make a face modeled after the classic portrayal of an atom (nucleus in the centre, with electrons whizzing around).

Binary Orbit [Facer] [WM]

This design was inspired by another previous blog post. Here we have a planet doing a figure-8 orbit around a pair of stars.

To set the planet's position, the sideways figure-8 path can be parametrised as

\[ x = r_x\sin\left(t\right) \\
y = r_y\sin\left(2t\right)\]
or in code

x: 225*math.sin(math.rad(6*{ds}))
y: 100*math.sin(math.rad(12*{ds}))

x: (155+140*sin(rad(6*#Ds#)))
y: (150-70*sin(rad(12*#Ds#))) 

Changing the signs in front of either or both of the sin-functions will change the direction of orbit.

I was tempted to also have the stars (co)rotate - using the rotation matrix above to rotate the planet's orbit - so that they could act like an hours/minutes hand. But that seemed too much like hard work.

Spiral [WM]

In this design, the ball starts at the centre, and spirals outwards towards midday, then spirals back to the centre towards midnight. The ball's angular position gives the minutes past the hour.

The spiral is parameterised as

\[ x = r(t) \sin(\theta) \\
y = - r(t) \cos(\theta) \]
where the radius r is now a function of time. In code, this is

x: 17 + 420*({dtp}<0.5 and {dtp} or 1-{dtp}))*math.sin(math.rad({drm}))
y: -17 - 420*({dtp}<0.5 and {dtp} or 1-{dtp}))*math.cos(math.rad({drm}))

where {dtp} is the fraction of the day that has passed. Notice that we can use a conditional as a variable. That's pretty handy.

Originally, I didn't bother with the numbers (another cryptic design), but figured I should make it a little more readable. The numbers change at midday/midnight. Coding this is just a matter of creating text objects with values like

Text: {dh23}<12 and 11 or 1

And so on.

Heart [WM]

Yes, I know, it looks ridiculous. When I realised I could have objects trace out any shape that can be parameterised, my first thought was the heart curve.
This has the equations

\[ \begin{align*}x &= 16\sin(t)^3 \\
y &= 13\cos(t) - 5\cos(2t) - 2\cos(3t) - \cos(4t)\end{align*} \]
and can be coded as

x: 192*(math.sin(math.rad(6*{ds})))^3
y: -156*math.cos(math.rad(6*{ds}) + 60*math.cos(math.rad(12*{ds}) + 24*math.cos(math.rad(18*{ds}) + math.cos(math.rad(36*{ds})

In the screenshot/gif, the heart graphic is just decoration. The ball doesn't trace out that exact shape, but it's close.

I added a (poorly drawn) arrow as an hour hand. The shaft is a rectangle rotated using {drh24}. The triangles that make up the arrow head and fletching are moved around using the usual sin and -cos, and have to be rotated with {drh24} to make sure they point in the right direction.

> Analogue-esque

Metric [WM]

Quick reminder - Metric, or 'decimalised' time redefines the day as being 10 metric hours long, with 100 metric minutes to the metric hour, and 100 metric seconds to the metric minute.

Aside - this means a metric minute is equal to 1 milliday, and a metric second is 10 microdays. 

For the hours hand, we just set its rotation to '#DWFH#' (Facer) or '{drh24}' (WatchMaker) - even though the day is being defined as 10 hours long, the hours hand still only needs to do one revolution per day.

For the minutes hand, we have to do the full conversion, as described previously, then convert that to a rotation (in degrees). The code looks like this

WM: 360*((0.00011574*(3600*{dh23}+60*{dm}+{ds}))%1)

Facer: (360*((0.00011574*(3600*#DH#+60*#Dm#+#Ds#))%1))

Note that in Facer the whole expression has to be wrapped in brackets to be interpreted and evaluated as maths.

The seconds hand is a little trickier. If we do the conversion as before,

WM: 360*((0.011574*(3600*{dh23}+60*{dm}+{ds}))%1)

Facer: (360*((0.011574*(3600*#DH#+60*#Dm#+#Ds#))%1))

the hand will point to the right time, but because it will only update every standard (non-metric) second, it will only 'tick' about 87 times per revolution (instead on 100 times).

There is a crafty work around, though. First, we have to include milliseconds (WatchMaker) or 'smooth rotation for seconds' (Facer) in the conversion, so that the hand will update more frequently. We then use the 'floor' function to round down to the nearest whole number - this will make the hand only 'tick' once per metric second. The code looks like this

WM: 3.6*math.floor((1.1574*(3600*{dh23}+60*{dm}+{ds}+{dss}/1000))%100)

Facer: (3.6*floor((1.1574*(3600*#DH#+60*#Dm#+#DWFSS#/6))%100))

Alternatively, we could omit the 'floor' function, and have a smooth seconds hand.

Backwards [WM]

Here, I've tried to make the face design as close to the one on my bedroom wall as possible. Code-wise, this is just a matter of setting the hands' rotations to

WM: 360-{drh}, 360-{drm}, 360-{drs}

Facer: (360-#DWFKS#), (360-#DWFMS#), (360-#DWFS#)

Squares [WM]

This was just a random idea I had, and is another good example of a cryptic clock. Each square represents a hand, and they're scaled by \(\sqrt{2}\) so that they always stay within each other. The code is basically the same as for any other analogue design - set the square rotations to '{drh}-45' / '(#DWFKS#-45)', etc.

Probably I should have added indicators to show which corner of each square is the 'hand'. But I reckon you could figure out the time (or at least guess) without. I mean, the above is obviously showing 9:29:55.

Spotlight [WM]

This is not my design - I couldn't find the original source. You can actually download a version of this face from the PlayStore. This is more for anyone who's curious about how to (re)create it. Plus, this way you can customise it to your heart's content, as you'll see further down.
The basic idea is to create a dial that is bigger than the watch face itself, and place the centre of the dial somewhere off-screen. We then move the dial in a clockwise circle around the outside of the face, as

x: -350*math.sin(math.rad({drh}))
y: 350*math.cos(math.rad({drh}))

The hour line is just a rectangle with rotation {drh}

Spotlight with Minutes [WM]

One of the problems with the previous design is that there are only five minor markers between each hour marker - so in this context they're equivalent to 12 minutes each. This makes telling the minutes past the hour tricky. To remedy this we can introduce a little minutes circle.

This is just a matter of creating a circle outline and a minutes object, and moving them around as

x: 135*math.sin(math.rad({drh}))
y: -135*math.cos(math.rad({drh}))

Alternatively, we could use a dial that has a more useful number of minor markers. But the minutes circle is more visually striking, I think.

Spotlight with Minutes and Date [WM]

Okay, last one of these. I figured 'centre', above the hour line was the best place to put the date. For this, we have to make sure the date stays on the right side of the line and stays the right way up.
Positions of the date relative to the hour line (left) and the corresponding positioning functions (right)

The code to do this is

x: -165*math.sin(math.rad({drh})) + ({dh11}<6 and -20 or 20)*math.cos(math.rad({drh}))
y: 165*math.cos(math.rad({drh})) + ({dh11}<6 and -20 or 20)*math.sin(math.rad({drh}))
Rotation: {drh} + ({dh11}<6 and -90 or 90)

Where the first terms for x and y move the date around with the hour line (note the signs), and the second terms are the positioning functions (dx, dy) that shift the date to above the hour line. The conditional in the rotation makes sure the text stays the right way up.

There is a slight problem with this on the Moto 360 - as you might notice in the above, the date will dip below the 'flat tire' line between about 11:15 and 12:45. If you have a 360, you might want move the date further along the line (change '165' in the code to something smaller).

> Fun with Progress Rings

Circles 1 [WM]

2:27am (left) and 9:28pm (right)
This and the following two designs are all variations on the same theme - it was inspired by an advert, I think. Can't remember what it was an advert for, though.

The outer ring segment represents the hours, and fills in (clockwise) towards midday, then 'unfills' from midday to midnight. This is made with a 'Segment Between' shader (WatchMaker Premium only) with

Degree Start: {dh23} < 12 and 0 or {drh0}
Degree End: {dh23} < 12 and {drh0} or 360

The orange circles around the outside are hour markers, and also give the hour ring the appearance of rounded corners. In this design, the smaller white circles over the hour markers act as minute markers, which change colour with the passing minutes, as for example

Colour: {dm}>=5 and 'ffbd2a' or 'fbfbfb'

for the 5 minute marker, and so on.

Circles 2 [WM]

This design has the minutes as a separate inner ring, with four marker that behave similar to above, and with a 'progress ring' which indicates the exact minutes past the hour. The progress ring is made with another Segment shader, and the rounded corners on leading edge is done with a small circle, moved around with sin and -cos.

Circles 3 [WM]
1:36am (left) and 8:51pm (right)
This design is a sort of combination of the previous two, with the minutes progress ring placed on top of the hours ring. The minutes ring is made white when it overlaps an hours ring, and orange otherwise.

To make this we start with Circles 1, and for the minutes ring create two Segment Between shaders, which overlap half of the hours ring, with

Segment 1:
Segment Start: 0
Segment End: {drm}<{drh0} and {drm} or {drh0}
Color: {dh23}<12 and 'fbfbfb' or 'ffbd2a'

Segment 2:
Segment Start: {drh0}
Segment End: {drm}>{drh0} and {drm} or {drh0}
Color: {dh23}<12 and 'ffbd2a' or 'fbfbfb'

We then need to create a smaller copy of the hours segment from Circles 1, as well as a segment with

Segment Start: {dh23} < 12 and {drh0} or 0
Segment End: {dh23} < 12 and 360 or {drh0}
Color: fbfbfb

to cover up the centre of the minutes segments and recreate the inner half of the hours ring.

The minute markers work as in Circles 1, but this time the hour markers also change colour, as for example,

Colour: ((({dh11}>1 and {dh23}<12) or ({dh11}<1 and {dh23}>=12)) and {dm}>=5) and 'fbfbfb' or 'ffbd2a'

You might notice in the screenshots above that this design seems to have a thin grey shadow/outline around some of the ring. I don't know if this is a bug or a feature of the shaders, but ideally it shouldn't be there.

Apple Activity [WM]

I saw something that looked like this in an Apple Watch promo - I think it was supposed to be an activity tracker. Anyway, it's a watch face for Android, now (take that, Apple). Shaders for progress rings, circles over the edges for rounded corners, I'm sure you get the idea by now.

Buffering [WM]

I was playing with shaders and came up with this, that looks sort of like a loading/buffering ring. The ring fills and unfills once a second, and the point where the ring fills from/to indicates the current seconds past the minute.

The code for this is

Segment Start: ({ds}%2==0) and {drs} or ({drs}+0.36*{dss})%360
Segment End: ({ds}%2==1) and {drs} or ({drs}+0.36*{dss})%360

The percentage in the image above is the percentage of the day that has passed

Text: string.format('%.1f', 100*{dtp})

The format function is used to round the percentage to one decimal place (Lua uses C-style formatting). Alternatively, I guess you could have hour and minute rings doing similar to this seconds ring, but that might be a bit dizzying.

Bonus: How to Make a Battery Ring in Facer [Facer]

As we've seen, making a progress ring in WatchMaker Premium is easy with shaders. But, you can actually make something similar to a progress ring in Facer.

The easy way to do this is to use polygons (squares, triangles, hexagons) to cover up sections of a ring, with the polygons coloured the same as the face background. We can then alter the polygon opacities to hide/reveal sections of the ring.

This gives us a progress ring with discrete intervals. How granular it is will depend on how many polygons we're willing to set up. For a battery meter, we could cover up a ring with 100 little squares, but it'd be a pain in the arse to build.

There is also a way to do a continuous progress ring, without too much effort - though it's a bit of an elaborate workaround. First we cover up a ring with 6 triangle, then we can shift, rotate and change the opacities of those triangles to hide/reveal the ring.
It works sort of like a folding fan. The first triangle moves into the position of triangle 2, then turns transparent. Triangle 2 then moves to 3 and turns transparent. And so on, until we get to triangle 6. Obviously, if we move triangle 6 around the circle like the others, it'll cover up section 1. So instead, we move it vertically upwards.

Admittedly, this makes the angle on the leading edge of the ring look a bit off in section 6. But we work with what we've got. There are various fiddly little work-arounds that we could use to correct this - e.g. we could cover the leading edge with a little circle or square. Those are left as an exercise for the reader.

The code works like this

Triangle 1:
x: (160+50*cos(rad(3.6*#BLN#))+80*sin(rad(3.6*#BLN#)))
y: (160-80*cos(rad(3.6*#BLN#))+50*sin(rad(3.6*#BLN#)))
Rotation: (30+3.6*#BLN#)
Opacity: $#BLN#<(100/6)?100:0$

Triangle 2:
x: $#BLN#<(100/6)?260:(160+50*cos(rad(3.6*#BLN#))+80*sin(rad(3.6*#BLN#)))$
y: $#BLN#<(100/6)?160:(160-80*cos(rad(3.6*#BLN#))+50*sin(rad(3.6*#BLN#)))$
Rotation: $#BLN#<(100/6)?30:(30+3.6*#BLN#)$
Opacity: $#BLN#<(200/6)?100:0$

And so on for the next 3 triangles (with the boundaries and initial positions suitably adjusted). Finally, for the last triangle, we have

x: 110
y: $#BLN#<(500/6)?80:(80 - 130*(0.06*#BLN# - 5))$
Rotation: 30
Opacity: $#BLN#<100?100:0$

Aside - constructing this made Facer run slooooooow.

So there you have it - it's not easy, but it is possible to make a progress ring in Facer. You could do the same trick in WatchMaker (free) if you didn't want to pay for Premium. But personally, I'd prefer to pay - shaders are easier, and more flexible.

> Other Assorted Nonsense

50 Shades of Grey [Facer] [WM]

This is the sort of dumb thing I think up when I can't get to sleep. To make this, we create a watchface with a white background, and add a black circle/square that fills the whole screen. We then set the circle's opacity to

WM: 2*math.floor(5*{dsps}/6000)

Facer: (2*floor(#DWFSS#/7.2))

This will cycle through 50 different shades of grey - from white to black - over the course of a minute.

Alternatively, we could have it cycle from white to black to white, so that we don't have the sudden jump from black to white at the end of a minute - [download]

For that, the code is

WM: {ds}<=30 and 4*math.floor(5*{dsps}/6000) or (198-4*math.floor(5*{dsps}/6000))

Aside - Facer doesn't seem to allow mathematical expressions in both the then-statement and the else-statement (?!), so we can't adapt the above. Which is annoying.

That Dress [WM]
You know the one. This works similarly to the above design - only this time we use 'HSV' shaders (WatchMaker Premium). For the background, we have a circle that fills the screen with

Colour: 3228de
Saturation: -{dsps}/600

And the text, and the bars at the top and bottom of the screen are

Colour: a07b35
Value: 8*({dsps}/6000)-80

This will go from black-blue to white-gold over the course of a minute. We can get a similar effect by layering a blue circle on top of a white background, and black text on top of a gold copy of the text, then varying the opacity of the black and blue. That method should work in Facer.

Alternatively, we can have the face cycle black-blue to white-gold to black-blue - [download]

Saturation: {ds}<=30 and -{dsps}/300 or {dsps}/300-198

Value: {ds}<=30 and {dsps}/375-80 or 78-{dsps}/375

Racing Numbers [WM]

Racing, in the sense that the numbers are moving from the right side of the screen to the left, all at different speeds (I couldn't think of a better name). Alternatively, you can think of it as the numbers being positioned horizontally based on their current value. It's straightforward enough to construct, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Jitters [Facer]

I don't have a gif of this - so imagine the time in the above image frantically jittering around the centre of the screen. The background is brown because I was tempted to call it 'too much coffee'.

This design is pretty much a case of, I saw that Facer had a 'random' function and I wanted to contrive a use for it. To make this face, we just set the position of the time object to

x: (150+rand(0,20))
y: (170+rand(0,20))

The time will be moved with every frame refresh - in Facer's case, I think that's 60fps. As far as I can tell there's no way to slow it down. I imagine this would get annoying after a while.


If you have a smart watch, making the face a replica of a 'dumb' watch seems a bit like missing the point. Having said that, if I saw a replica of my old watch I'd probably download it.

But the point is, you can do some design things with a smart watch that you could never do with a dumb watch. These are just a few ideas of some cool things you can do with face making apps.

Feel free to download, use, modify, re-post, etc. any of the designs or code in this post. You don't need to ask permission. If you do re-post, a name-check or link back would be nice, but I won't hold you to it.

The folder with all the faces is available here.

If you have any problems, want more details, or just want help with something, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll see what I can do.


[If I had any sense I'd be trying to make some money off these...]

Monday, February 23, 2015

Designing a General Relativity Based Casual Game

Let's suppose, for the sake of arguing, that I'm unemployed. It'd pretty great if there were a way I could make a quick buck (or a quick quid, in my case). Obviously, the solution is to make a super addictive mobile game. Then I can just sit back and watch the cash come pouring in.

Okay, so that's a pretty terrible plan - making a mobile app of any kind is no trivial thing, and there's no guarantee of making any significant amount of money (or any money at all). Still, I thought about it, and wondered - if I were to make a game, what would I do. This is one of the ideas I came up with.

Game Concept

A common type of casual game is the physics-based game - that is, a game where objects obey a form of classical Newtonian mechanics: your Angry Birds, your Flappy Birds, your games that don't involve birds. So, for example, when you catapult an angry bird, it follows a parabolic path like a real bird would (drag not-withstanding).

And that's all fine, but I wondered if you could make a game based on non-classical physics - quantum mechanics, relativity, that sort of thing.

Now, I don't want to call this 'Interstellar: The Game' (not least because of copyright). That is, however, a good short hand for the idea behind the game.

The idea is this: you've been off exploring space, and now it's time to go home. So the main objective is to get back to Earth as quickly as possible, whilst dodging obstacles like planets, stars, black holes. But these massive objects have a gravitational pull, which can make maneuvering a little trickier, especially if you get too close to a black hole.

On the other hand, you can use massive objects to get a speed boost, by doing for example a powered flyby. But being close to massive objects for too long (black holes in particular) will cause time dilation, which might make you late home.

Game Construction

The way I imagine the game is as a 'side-scroller', where you move right to left (assuming the phone/tablet is held in landscape). I figure it would be a top-down view, moving in the x-direction with the spaceship - i.e. the sprite would be fixed in the x-direction, with freedom of movement up and down. All the obstacles would then move towards the sprite in the negative x-direction.

Here's what a (non-relativistic) binary orbit looks like from a frame of reference moving in the x-direction with the particle (blue).

In the code, this is done by calculating the particle velocity as normal, but instead of adding the velocity in the x-direction to the particle, you subtract it from all the obstacles.

For the sprite's up-down movement, you could either constrain the player to within the screen, or else if they drift off the edge of the screen, it would be a 'lost in space' game over.

Level construction can either be done by hand, or levels can be generated randomly / procedurally by adding massive objects of varying type/size/mass etc. at various points along the game map. I'd say go for random/procedural, since that makes creating levels easier, and would mean there are effectively unlimited levels. Though it might be worth storing generated levels for replayability.

For the representation of black holes, you could show an accretion disc (like they did in Interstellar), have a background star field that's gravitationally lensed, or show a dotted line for where the event horizon is. Alternatively, you could do nightmare mode - give no visual indication of a black hole, and let the player infer its presence from its gravitational pull.

I tend to think that controls should be kept simple, and should be appropriate to the medium - in other words, no on-screen d-pads on touchscreens (if you can help it). Instead, I'd say use four directional swipes for a speed boost in whichever direction. In terms of code, this would be done by adding some constant to the velocity in the direction of the swipe.

One thing to remember is that in space there is no drag - nothing to slow you down (gravity notwithstanding). Steering like this can be surprisingly tricky. If you accelerate left, you will keep moving leftwards until you accelerate right to counter balance.

On the other hand, no drag means the player could keep accelerating forward until they're going arbitrarily fast. To stop this, you could put a limit on how many times the player can accelerate - for example, say that there's a limited amount of fuel. This also means the player would have to use their fuel wisely - baring in mind that breaking counts as accelerating. This makes tricks like gravitational assists even more important.

Anyway, having an idea is all well and good, but really an idea isn't worth much if you can't prove that it's viable. So...

Game Mechanics


I studied theoretical physics at university, and that included a module on General Relativity. But that module only covered the basics. As the lecturer pointed out, General relativity is a graduate level topic.

I read a bunch of articles for this blog, and have tried to get as scientifically accurate as possible - or at least I've tried to avoid making massive errors. But even so, there are numerous assumptions, approximations, and inaccuracies in this formulation. So just bear that in mind - I don't necessarily know what I'm talking about. Do feel free to offer corrections.

Prototyping - For coding the prototype/simulations I used Python with PyGame.

In PyGame, coordinates are defined with the origin (0,0) in the top right corner. This isn't a problem mathematically, it just means the graphical layout is 'upside-down'.

To make the videos in this post, I added the line, 'output/frame%05d.png' % framenum)
to the code's main loop to save individual frames as a series of images (you'll need to iterate 'framenum'). I then used 'ImageJ' to convert those images to (avi) video.

Terminology - I'm going to refer to moving objects as 'particles', 'planets', or as a 'spaceship' in the context of the game. I'll refer to static, gravitating objects as 'obstacles', '(massive) bodies', or 'stars'. In images and videos, planets are blue, and stars are yellow.

Units - I chose to use 'pixels' as the unit of length, and 'frames' as the unit of time. In this case, velocity is measured in 'pixels per frame' (px/fr).

This is useful, because it means the velocity of our particle is updated as \(v(t) = v(t-1)+a(t)\) and the position is updated as \(x(t) = x(t-1)+v(t)\). For my simulation, I used a frame rate of 50fps.

Physical Constants - We could use geometrised units, where the Gravitational Constant (G) and the Speed of Light (c) are both set equal to one. In that case we wouldn't need to include them in the maths/code. However, my inner-mathematician likes generality, so I'm going to keep them around.

The constant 'G' only ever appears alongside obstacle masses (as GM), so we can set it to one and say that it's value is absorbed into the (otherwise arbitrary) mass values. It's worth keeping G around though, so we can easily tweak the strength of gravity, if need be.

The speed of light controls the strength of relativistic effects - larger c, weaker relativity. In my code I set the speed of light to c = 12 px/fr. This seems to make things behave in a way that looks 'right'.

Object Properties - We could try to go for a certain level of realism - try, for example, to work out a conversion between real world distances and pixels, try to get everything to scale. But that's too much faffing. Besides, if everything were to scale, a 1px Earth would orbit at a distance of 23000px around a 100px sun.

For obstacle masses, I set M = 500 (arbitrary units). The particle mass isn't really important since it can be cancelled out in all the equations. From a theoretical perspective, all that matters is that it's much smaller than the obstacle masses. I set both the obstacles and particle radii to 12.5 pixels (25x25px sprites). Object radii aren't important outside of collision handling.

Newtonian Gravity

For particle acceleration, we start with Classical Newtonian gravity.

\[ a = \frac{G M}{r^{2}} \]

where G is the gravitational constant, M is the mass of the gravitating body (the obstacle) and r is the distance between the centres of our particle and the obstacle. We're assuming that the particle is moving in a 2D plane, so we have \(r = \sqrt{dx^{2} + dy^{2}}\), where \(dx = x_p - x_{ob}\) and \(dy = y_p - y_{ob}\) are the x and y distances between the particle and obstacle.
This gives us the magnitude of the acceleration, pointing from the centre of the particle to the centre of the obstacle. For our purposes, we need to resolve this acceleration into x and y components.

The components are given by

\[ \ddot{x} = -\frac{G M}{r^{2}} \cos(\theta) \equiv -\frac{G M}{r^{3}} dx\\ \\
\ddot{y} = -\frac{G M}{r^2} \sin(\theta) \equiv -\frac{G M}{r^{3}} dy\]

Where \(\theta = \arctan\left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right) \) is the angle between the x-axis and the position/acceleration vector. The double dots mean 'second derivative with respect to time', i.e. acceleration.

If there are multiple gravitating objects, we have to calculate the contributions from each, and add them all together to get the total acceleration.

\[ \ddot{x} = -\sum_i \frac{G M_{i}}{r_{i}^{3}} dx_{i} \\ \\
\ddot{y} = -\sum_i \frac{G M_{i}}{r_{i}^{3}} dy_{i} \]

As mentioned above, once we have the acceleration we add that to the velocity, then add the velocity to the position to work out where the particle moves to. Below is an example of a Newtonian orbit using the above.

General Relativity

Since we want the game to include General Relativistic effects like time dilation, we also have to take into account the other effects of relativity - in particular, how it modifies particle motion/acceleration.

For simplicity, we're going to assume our obstacles (planets, stars, black holes) are uncharged, and non-rotating. In that case, we use the Schwarzchild metric, which describes the gravitational field in the vicinity of an (uncharged, non-rotating) massive object.

\[ c^2 d\tau^2 = \left(1 - \frac{r_s}{r}\right) c^2 dt^2 - \frac{dr^2}{\left(1- \frac{r_s}{r}\right)} - r^2 d\theta^2 \]

We're assuming the particle is moving in the 2D plane around the equator of the massive object. \(r_s\) is the object's Schwarzchild radius (also known as the 'event horizon' in the context of black holes), defined as

\[ r_s = \frac{2GM}{c^2} \]

Without going into too much detail, we can derive from the Schwarzchild metric the particle's acceleration in Cartesian-like coordinates as

\[ \ddot{x} = - \frac{G M}{r^3} dx - \frac{3 G M L^2}{c^2 r^5} dx \\ \\
\ddot{y} = - \frac{G M}{r^3} dy - \frac{3 G M L^2}{c^2 r^5} dy \]

Where the first term is the classical Newtonian gravitation, as seen above.

The second term is purely relativistic, and will usually only have a significant effect when a particle is sufficiently close to a massive body's Schwarzchild radius.

The main effect of this term is to increase gravitational acceleration in the vicinity of the massive object, and to cause close orbits to precess, as can be seen below

Notice that the point at which the particle is closest to the 'star' (the perihelion) moves over time. This doesn't happen in the classical limit of Newtonian gravity. In fact, explaining the anomalous precession of Mercury was one of the first pieces of evidence supporting the theory of General relativity.

In the acceleration equation, L is the angular momentum (per unit mass) of our particle, and c is the speed of light. Angular momentum (per unit mass) is calculated as

\[ L = \left|r\right| \left|v\right| \sin(\phi) \equiv (dx\ v_y - dy\ v_x) \]

where \(\phi\) is the angle between the radial vector (r) and the velocity vector (v)

The angle can be calculated as

\[ \phi = \alpha - \theta = \arctan\left(\frac{v_y}{v_x}\right) - \arctan\left(\frac{dy}{dx}\right) \]

where \(\alpha\) is the angle between the velocity vector and the x-axis, and \(\theta\) is the angle between the position vector and the x-axis.

In the two body case, angular momentum is a constant of motion, so only needs to be calculated once - say, once the particle's initial position and velocity has been set.

Caveat - Strictly speaking, the radial length 'r' in the Schwarzchild metric is not the same as the Euclidian distance \(\sqrt{dx^2 + dy^2}\). At least, not when relativistic effects are significant. Rather, r is defined as the circumference of a sphere surrounding the massive body, divided by \(2\pi\). Defining r this way means the length of an interval dr isn't affected by the curving of spacetime near the massive body.

By comparison, an observer falling towards a black hole would see lengths stretching longer and longer the closer they got to the black hole event horizon - an observer at a distance r would measure the interval dr to have a length of \( \left( 1 - \frac{r_s}{r} \right)^{-\frac{1}{2}} dr \).

All this to say, the particle distances displayed in the game (and the simulation videos) are distances in Schwarzchild coordinates, projected onto a Euclidean plane, not distances as viewed by an observer such as our particle/spaceship.

Relativity for Multiple Bodies

This is where things get dicey. In the General relativistic limit, combining the fields of multiple massive objects is not so straightforward.

The lazy way of doing this is to just vector sum the relativistic accelerations, like we did for the Newtonian case. This is problematic, though, because it assumes the particle's angular momentum around each massive body is constant. This is not true.

Instead, we can make a simplification - we can sum the Newtonian terms as before, but we'll only consider the relativistic term when we're sufficiently close to any given body. This cut-off is going to be fairly arbitrary. Ideally, we want the 'radius of influence' to be as big as possible, but small enough that the particle can never be within the relativistic limits of more than one body at a time. The main problem here is that the way the game is set up means all the massive bodies are unrealistically close together, so it's hard to make the radius of influence big enough to be ideal. In my code, I chose the cut-off to be \(10 r_s \simeq 70px\).

Now, the angular momentum around this close body is still not constant (although, arguably, it may be sufficient to assume it is). The forces from other local bodies can cause torque, which will change the particle's angular momentum.
Torque is calculated as

\[ \Gamma = \left|r\right| \left|F\right| \sin(\gamma)\ \equiv r_x\ F_y - r_y\ F_x\]

where \(\gamma = \theta_1 - \theta_0 = \arctan(\frac{dy_1}{dx_1}) - \arctan(\frac{dy_0}{dx_0}) \) is the angle between the position vector (r) and the force vector (F), and \(\theta_0\) and \(\theta_1\) are the angles between r and the x-axis, and F and the x-axis, respectively.

For the force from a gravitating body, the torque can be written out as

\[\Gamma = \frac{G M_1 }{r_1^3} \left(dy_0\ dx_1 - dx_0\ dy_1\right) \]

We only need to take into account Newtonain gravitation in calculating torque, since we're already assuming the particle is outside the relativistic limit of these other bodies.

So once the particle enters a massive body's radius of influence, we calculate it's initial angular momentum, as above. Then, in each time step (for as long as the particle is in the radius of influence), we calculate the total torque from all local bodies, and add that torque to the particle's angular momentum (before calculating the new acceleration).

This is a big simplification. But it's good enough, and correct in the limiting case of a single/well isolated body. Especially if the radius of influence can be made sufficiently big.

While we're on torque - if our spaceship accelerates (fires its thrusters) while it is close to a massive body, we will need to take into account any torque from that as well

\[ \Gamma = dx_0\ a_y - dy_0\ a_x \]

Where \(a_x\) and \(a_y\) are the x and y accelerations caused by the thrusters. This is ignoring the details of how a spaceship actually maneuvers. If you're interested, you'll have to look into that for yourself.

So putting it all together we have

\[ \ddot{x} = -\sum_i \frac{G M_i}{r_i^3} dx_i \ - \frac{3 G M_0 L_0^{2}}{c^2 r_0^{5}} dx_0\\ \\
\ddot{y} = -\sum_i \frac{G M_i}{r_i^3} dy_i \ - \frac{3 G M_0 L_0^{2}}{c^2 r_0^{5}} dy_0 \]

where \(M_0\) is the body whose radius of influence the particle is within (if any), and

\[L_0 = L_{0}(t-1) +\sum_{i\ne 0} \frac{G M_i}{r_i^3}(dx_i\ dy_0 - dx_0\ dy_i) + (dx_0\ a_y - dy_0\ a_x)\]

Time Dilation

For a single massive object, the time dilation can be derived from the Schwarzchild metric (see above). Dividing through by \(c^2 d\tau \) and rearranging we get

\[  \left(1- \frac{r_s}{r}\right)^2 \left(\frac{dt}{d\tau}\right)^2 = \left(1- \frac{r_s}{r}\right)\left(1 + \frac{r^2 \dot{\theta}^2}{c^2}\right) + \frac{\dot{r}^2}{c^2} \]

where the dots mean 'derivative with respect to \(\tau\)'. And since \( \dot{r}^2 + r^2 \dot{\theta}^2 \equiv v_x^2 + v_y^2 = v^2 \), we can re-write and rearrange further to get

\[ dt = \frac{d\tau}{\left(1- \frac{r_s}{r}\right)}\sqrt{1- \frac{r_s}{r}\left(1 + \frac{r^2 \dot{\theta}^2}{c^2}\right) + \frac{v^2}{c^2}} \]

where dt is the 'coordinate time' - time as measured by an observer at rest, far away from any gravitational fields. For the sake of the game we can say that this represents time as measured on Earth. In reality, the Earths gravitational field does cause it's own time dilation effect. \(d\tau\) is the 'proper time' - time as measured by a clock on our spaceship.

Notice, in the limit of a stationary particle, that is \(\dot{r}=r\dot{\theta}=0\), we get the purely gravitational time dilation

\[ dt = \frac{d\tau}{\sqrt{1 - \frac{r_s}{r}}} \]

Similarly, in the limit of \( r \gt\gt r_s\) (i.e. when our particle is far from any gravitating bodies), the time dilation equation reduces to the Special Relativistic case

\[ dt = d\tau \sqrt{1 + \frac{v^2}{c^2}} \]

Note - in this, the velocity v is the 'proper velocity' - velocity with respect to proper time. This is different from coordinate velocity - velocity with respect to coordinate time.

While a particle can't have a coordinate velocity greater than the speed of light 'c', because of time dilation it can have a proper velocity greater than 'c'. This doesn't, however, mean that a particle can travel faster than light, since light has a proper velocity of infinity. Coordinate velocity and proper velocity are related by

\[ v_c = v \left(\frac{d\tau}{dt}\right) \equiv \frac{v}{ \sqrt{1+\frac{v^2}{c^2}}}\]

where the equivalence is true in the Special relativistic limit. Notice that when proper velocity equals the speed of light (c), the coordinate velocity equals \(\frac{c}{\sqrt{2}}\) - less than the speed of light.

Time Dilation for Multiple Bodies

Here, we once again have the problem of combining the effects of multiple gravitating masses. Some would argue, at this point, that trying to be scientifically accurate is more trouble than it's worth. Still, I'm going to at least try.

To start, we can replace the Schwarzchild radius terms with the local (Newtonian) gravitational potentials as

\[ \frac{r_s}{r} = \frac{2GM}{c^2 r} \rightarrow  \sum_i \frac{2 G M_i}{c^2 r_i} =  \sum_i \frac{2U_i}{c^2} = \frac{2U}{c^2}\]

Where \(U_i\) are the individual gravitational potentials of the various local gravitating bodies.

For the term in \(r^2 \dot{\theta}^2\), we note that \(r^2 \dot{\theta}^2\ = \frac{L^2}{r^2} \), where L is angular momentum (per unit mass). So we can use the same trick we did for combining accelerations - that is, only take this term into account when the particle is within a body's radius of influence.

So putting it all together, we have

\[ dt = \frac{d\tau}{\left(1 - \frac{2U}{c^2}\right)}\sqrt{1 - \frac{2U}{c^2} - \frac{2U_0}{c^2}\frac{L_0^2}{r_0^2 c^2} + \frac{v^2}{c^2}} \]

With \(L_0\) defined as above. Alternatively, we could just omit the angular momentum term since it's of order \(c^{-4}\). In my simulation, it amounted to a ~0.17% decrease in the dilation ratio.

The typical dilation ratio in my simulation was \(\frac{dt}{d\tau} \approx 1.07\), which admittedly isn't significant.

In the movie Interstellar, a lot of the time dilation came from the fact that their black hole (Gargantua) was spinning very fast. If you want to do that, you'll have to work it out for yourself - for that you would use the Kerr metric. With rotating black holes, you'd also need to take into account other effects like frame dragging.

Of course, we've chosen arbitrary masses, an arbitrary speed of light, distances not to any sort of realistic scale. We can always tweak the specific time dilation to our liking. In particular, if the realistic dilation isn't dramatic enough, we could artificially inflate it. So long as we keep key behaviours, like dilation going to infinity when the particle reaches a black hole event horizon, etc.

Collision Handling

Collision handling is important for figuring out when the game is over - for figuring out if the player crashed into a planet, or fell into a black hole. Now, PyGame has in-build collision handling. But where's the fun in that.

The easiest way to check if two circular objects have collided is to check if the distance between their centres is less than the sum of their radii

In other words, we have the condition - a collision occurred if \( dx^2 + dy^2 \le (r_p + r_{ob})^2 \).

Easy. There is a special case though - because the particle moves in discrete steps from frame to frame, if the particle is moving fast enough, it could move from one side of an obstacle to the other without ever overlapping.

The basic collision handling would miss this. So this is a little trickier to catch. In the above diagram, I've traced the path going from the particle's position in the previous step to its current position.

We can say that the particle collided with the obstacle if there's a point on that path that's closer to the centre of the obstacle than \( R = r_p + r_{ob} \). In other words, if the particle had moved continuously along the path from \(x_0\) to \(x_1\), would there have been any point(s) where the particle and the obstacle overlapped.

To figure this out, first we find the equation for the line passing through the particles' two positions as

\[ y = m x + c = \left(\frac{v_y}{v_x}\right) x + \left(y_0 - \frac{v_y}{v_x} x_0 \right) \]

(in this case, m and c are gradient and constant, respectively, not mass and speed of light).

Second, we're going to define a function for the distance between a point on the particle's path and the obstacle's centre

\[ f(x) = (x_{ob} - x)^2 + (y_{ob} - y)^2 = (x_{ob} - x)^2 + (y_{ob} - m x - c)^2 \]

Now we're going to look for the point along the path of closest approach to the obstacle. To do that we look for x such that the separation f(x) is minimised. In other words \( \frac{d}{dx} f(x) = 0\)

If you work through the maths, you get

\[ x_{min} = \frac{x_{ob} + m y_{ob} - m c}{1 + m^2} \]

Which gives us the condition - a collision occurred if \(f(x_{min}) \le R^2\) and \(x_0 \le x_{min} \le x_1\) (assuming \(x_0 \le x_1\)).
Both these collision handlers can also be used to check if the particle crosses a black hole's event horizon - just replace \(r_{ob}\) with \(r_s\), the Schwarzchild radius.

Of course, in the game, the spaceship sprite wouldn't be circular. But, you know. You could create an 'imaginary' circle around the sprite, or give the sprite a radius of zero (so it collides when its centre overlaps the obstacle). Or you could just use a third party library. Either way.

Bonus: Elastic Recoil

For my own amusement, I had the particle elastically recoil off of the obstacles, as well as the sides of the screen, so that I could just watch it drifting and bouncing about endlessly. It's weirdly hypnotic.

For screen boundaries, you have, for example
In this case, we flip the particle velocity in the x-direction as \( v_{x}' = -v_{x} \), and move the particle's x position to \( x_{p}' = W - (x_{p} - W) = 2 W - x_p \), where W is the pixel width of the game window. You do the same sort of thing for the other 3 boundaries.

For recoil off obstacles, things are not so straight forward. The procedure works like this: First, check for a collision. Then, find the point along the particle's path where it first makes contact with the obstacle - that is where \(f(x) = R^2\).
Finding this point is just a matter of solving a quadratic equation to get

\[ \begin{align*}
x' &= \frac{x_{ob} + m y_{ob}-mc}{1 + m^2} \pm \frac{\sqrt{(x_{ob} + m y_{ob}-mc)^2  - (1+m^2)(x^2_{ob} + y^2_{ob}+c^2 - 2 c y_{ob} - R^2)}}{1 + m^2} \\ \\ &\equiv a \pm b
\end{align*} \]

If \(v_x \gt 0\) then x' = a - b, if \(v_x \lt 0\) then x' = a + b

So move the particle back to the point of first contact. Then we want to flip the particle velocity so that the angle of incidence \(\phi\) between the velocity vector (v) and the position vector (r) equals the angle of reflection
The new velocity is given by

\[v'_x = -\left|v\right| \cos(\beta)  \\ \\ v'_y = -\left|v\right| \sin(\beta)\]

with \(|v| = \sqrt{v_{x}^{2} + v_{y}^{2}} \), and

\[ \beta = \alpha - 2 \phi = 2\arctan\left(\frac{-dy}{-dx}\right) - \arctan\left(\frac{v_y}{v_x}\right) \]

where \( \alpha \) is the angle between the x-axis and the old velocity vector (v), and \(\beta\) if the angle between the x-axis and the new velocity vector (v').

Note - in the code I used 'arctan2(y,x)' from the Numpy library, for which the signs of 'x' and 'y' are important. dy and dx are negative in the above because I have the position vector pointing from the particle to the obstacle (opposite to how it's defined).

Finally, we want to move the particle to where it should be from recoiling.

In other words, we want to move the particle to the point along it's new velocity vector, such that it's the same distance from the contact point as it would be if the particle hadn't collided. To do this, we can just resolve the distance \( r' = \sqrt{(x_1 - x')^2 + (y_1 - y')^2} \) in the direction of the new velocity vector, as

\[ x_1 ' = x' - r' \cos(\beta) \\ \\ y_1 ' = y' - r' \sin(\beta) \]

Admittedly, this doesn't work perfectly - sometimes it behaves a little screwy. Especially when the particle spirals in on an obstacle. Of course, none of this recoil stuff is necessary for the game, since you want collisions to end the game. Like I said, this was more for my own amusement.


If you were feeling really ambitious, you could do the game from the first-person perspective of someone on the spaceship - see for example 'Falling into a Black Hole', or the Interstellar papers.

There are almost certainly things wrong with this 'formulation' of General Relativity. But then, this is meant to be for a game, so it doesn't need to be 100% scientifically accurate. I did feel like I should make an effort, though. And I'm willing to call this good enough. If you're someone who knows what they're talking about, feel free to offer your thoughts/corrections.

Anyway, I've done my job as a theoretician - now it's up to someone else to actually make the game. If you do, please send me link to the completed game. And maybe give me a name-check? A little kickback would be nice too... ;)

You can have a look at my prototype/simulation code here.


[Gravity, don't mean too much to me.]